Being a gaming freak, you must be eagerly waiting for release of PlayStation 4, are you? The queue of people waiting for next-gen gaming console by Sony is very long. The company announced the PlayStation 4 in February 2013 and since then, every gaming freak is talking about this upcoming gaming console. The large search volume about PlayStation 4 on the web is a direct proof of large fan following of this gaming console family by Sony.
Since you are a gaming addict, therefore you are most likely to be aware from the news that Sony has unveiled the PlayStation 4. If not, then let me clear the air that this upcoming gaming console was unveiled at Sony’s E3 2013. So now we know the features that this upcoming next-gen gaming console by Sony, will be having in it. Are you curious to know what Sony is going to deliver with PS 4? Well, you are most likely to be. The PlayStation 4 has bunch of good points in it. Along with them, there are some bad points as well. To know about the pros and cons of PlayStation 4, just keep reading this article.
PlayStation 4 Pros
- The hardware specs of the PlayStation 4 make it hell lot faster than the current PlayStation. The PlayStation 4 is ahead of current one by big margin. Sony deserves a pat on the back for big improvement in the specs. The 8GB GDDR5 Ram in this upcoming gaming console is meant to deliver that much smooth gaming experience, which no one has tasted ever before.
- The PlayStation 4 has social and entertainment enhancements, but still, the main focus is the gaming only. The adoption of extra features did not make Sony lose its path, its focus- that is developing a gaming console.
- In the PlayStation 4, you will be able to play games/demos while downloading. So, you will be able to play games right away!
- You will be able to put the console to “low power mode” by pressing single button. Pressing that button again will resume from the point where you left.
- Dedicated capture/compression will allow you to share your gaming experience with your friends. They will be able to give you feedback and take control of game at anytime so as to help you out.
- PlayStation 4 will let you stream your gameplay via Ustream. You will be able to stream gameplay to your friends or public. The users viewing the stream will be able to give real-time feedback via comments.
- Many improvements have been made to the DualShock controller. The DualShock 4 has three-axis gyroscopic motion sensor with three-axis accelerometer.
- You will be real-owner of the games you will buy. You will be able to sell it to your friends, to lend it to them. So unlike Xbox, there will be no restriction on you in this aspect.
- In the PlayStation, there is no forceful need of Internet to play games. It does not matter that you are connected to Internet or not, you will be able to play games in either case.
- The newly developed camera system, the PlayStation 4 Eye will enhance your gaming experience for sure. As per Sony, this camera system is capable of cutting player’s picture in background. It is even capable of differentiate between players in the background. A cool feature indeed!
- Other pros of Sony PlayStation 4 are – Cross-play with Vita, Compatibility with PS Move and Faster GPU than the Xbox.
PlayStation 4 Cons
The count of cons in PlayStation 4 is very low. Below is the list of cons in this next-gen gaming console by Sony.
- Like I said, the hardware specs have been improved, and are way too better than of current console, but the sad point is that, the specs are optimized in the way that they are more developer friendly.
- In order to use multiplayer, you will have to pay for PS Plus. Paying for it will give you free games, which is a good benefit, but still, I myself being a gamer, would not like to pay to use multiplayer. I’m sure that most of you would not like to do so as well.
- Lack of apps is yet another big con of PlayStation 4.
- Other con of the PlayStation 4 is that it has no backwards compatibility.
After considering all pros and cons of PlayStation 4, one thing is quite clear that the next-gen gaming console by Sony, the Sony PlayStation 4, is far better than the current one. If I am asked to choose between Xbox One and PlayStation, I will choose the latter. What about you?
If you’ve come across any cons or a problem in PlayStation 4, do share with us in the comments below.

Paul Lynne, Editor at ReviewMyThing, brings journalistic expertise to product reviews, offering concise insights across various categories. Passionate about empowering consumers, Paul’s analyses help readers make informed choices. Beyond work, he enjoys travel and gourmet coffee.