Best Boardroom Suggestion Memes

Boardroom suggestion memes are the newest in the list of internet memes. First ever boardroom suggestion comic was published on 24th December, 2012 and it went viral quickly. Boardroom suggestion comic satirizes on the perception gap between consumers and corporates. Corporates often don’t launch products according to consumer needs, and this comic makes fun of it. Each Boardroom suggestion meme begins with a executive of corporate consulting with employees about new ideas to grow the business. First two staff members give a corporate-safe ideas, but third employee gives consumer safe answer, which results in the executive throwing third guy out of the window for suggesting a idea which is good for consumers but might not be good for the corporate.

Also check: Hilariously funny Meme Facebook covers

Started as corporate boardroom meeting this meme is now being used in many different situations like aliens’ meeting, Hollywood singers discussing about which kind of songs they should sing etc. We have picked some of the best boardroom suggestion memes from the internet. Check out our list of best boardroom suggestion memes below.

1. Lays boardroom suggestion meme: Yes, they seriously need to fill less air an d more chips, but they won’t just listen.

Lays boardroom suggestion meme

2. MTV boardroom suggestion meme: What, you want music on MTV (music television)? No

MTV boardroom suggestion meme

3. Aliens boardroom suggestion meme: That was a good idea though.

aliens boardroom suggestion meme

4. Cats boardroom suggestion meme: Who let the dogs out?

cats & dog boardroom suggestion meme

5. Justin Bieber boardroom suggestion meme: Chuck Norris rocks.

Justin Bieber boardroom suggestion meme

6. Lady Gaga boardroom suggestion meme: Normal clothes? They don’t just suit her.

Lady Gaga boardroom suggestion meme

7. Naruto boardroom suggestion meme

Naruto boardroom suggestion meme

We’ll be adding new boardroom suggestion memes here regularly, keep checking back. Don’t forget to share it with your friends.